The introduction of blockchain has seen many industries cringing in fear of disruptions but there are some sectors that are set to benefit and online gambling is one of them. With the increased Bitcoin adoption and growth of the altcoin market, the underlying technology is set to revolutionize the online gaming sector.

Crypto appears to be capitalizing on the limitations of fiat and every single day, the crypto market appears to be eating into the traditional currency strongholds. Bitcoin, which represents the larger cryptocurrency space, is shaping the future online gambling.

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ICO Death and IEO Entry a Boost to Online Gambling

The dwindling ICO popularity and demand for IEOs will ensure stability in the crypto sphere a factor that online gambling is set to thrive on. With fewer ICO, the altcoin market will be less flooded with coins without real life use cases which will put into check the market volatility to give the gambler confidence in using crypto.

Major coins like BTC and ETH are headed for stability in their pricing and this will spur the growth of enterprise Apps and the online gambling goer will be comfortable making crypto deposits and withdrawals using any stable coin in the market. The online casino operator will be able to sell the value proposition to the consumer.

Bitcoin Upper hand in Online Gambling

Bitcoin rides on a technology that cannot be manipulated to favor a section of gamblers or the casino operator. Unlike gambling systems fueled by fiat, crypto powered systems offer the best transparency.

What’s more; the billing is done to the micro-transaction level thus giving the gambler value for their money. This is a benefit to the consumer and the merchant making Bitcoin and other altcoins popular mediums for transacting in online gambling.

With the crypto shift from asset class to consumer class, the operator is set to benefit and increase their visibility to reach more consumers. Already, the online gambling community is demanding for crypto integration in to the gaming systems to enable them to choose between remaining public and private.

Getting Set Up for Bitcoin Gambling is Easy

With more people becoming crypto aware, Bitcoin gambling is fast and fuss free and easy to set up. All you need is getting a crypto wallet of your favorite coin and you are ready to gamble. With a simple digital wallet, you are better off than gamblers using their credit card which includes exposing your personal details to the gambling world. With Bitcoin gambling, you are assured of maximum security and you can choose to remain anonymous; a feature that is guaranteed by the blockchain technology. With more and more gambling operators turning to crypto it is the secure vehicle to gamble, the future of the multi-billion dollar industry is set to thrive. With the rising Bitcoin adoption, the altcoin market is following suit and the shift from fiat to Bitcoin online gambling is unstoppable.

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